Monday, June 30, 2014

A Little Cutie

Just a couple more videos of our cute one.
We sure love summer time! Playing outside, going to the library, reading, playing on swings, dancing,  . ...we love it all! 
Don't you just LOVE her grin and her laugh! It gets me every time. 

I posted a video of Laura dancing to "Walking on Broken Glass." A few days later, I put it on again, and she was dancing even more hard core than before. It's stinkin' adorable!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Recent Actions

I haven't updated the blog in a while . . .so what better way to do it than to include cute videos of the Squishy? =)

This is one of Laura's favorite toys at Mom's house. Look at that grin and those rosy cheeks!

Here's the promised video from Laura's birthday cake smashing. =)
Laura also loves to dance, read and eat ice cream. Yum!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Top Ten for 2013

Top Ten things that happened in our lives in 2013.
Not necessarily in order of importance, ya know . . .

10. Family reunions and get-togethers. 
We loved the Bahr family reunion in Bryce Canyon. We love monthly SibDin with the Blake family. We attended the baptisms of several nieces and nephews. Christy (Jan, in Cedar City); Tyler (June, in Washington); Dallin (Springville in September); Thane (West Jordan, also in September). We traveled to Washington in June for Tyler's baptism, so we had a short visit with Spencer's family and Lisa's family. We spent the holidays with my family here in Utah County. We enjoyed a Smith family reunion in July. We were also rill excited that my sister came home from her mission this year, and that by the end of the year she got engaged to a rill neat guy.
in Bryce Canyon

With Grandpa Bahr.

Featuring our gifts from the Philippines from Heidi.

Blake son with son. Blake daughter with daughter.

Well, hi again, Heidi.

Laura and her cousins Daniel and Dallin. 

At Tyler's baptism.

Bahr Family Reunion

Our nieces and nephews (before 5 of them moved really far away.)
9. School
Jacob pre-student taught at Centennial Middle School in Winter Semester, and he student taught with Jared Morris at Timpanogos HS. I pre-student taught at various elementary schools in Provo District. Jacob took classes Spring Term. And . . .he is done with school as of last month! All graduated. I'm so proud of him!
Jacob's last first day of school pic.
 (Well, he's going to be a teacher,
so I don't think it's the last one . . .)
8. Car
We've put a lot of money into our car to keep it running. In 2013, our faithful Maximus got a new transmission, new axle and bearing parts, and newly tightened belts and light fuses. He's pretty small, and he's been through a lot (by that, I mean, he's burned holes in our wallets), but we count our blessings that we have a car that runs!

7. Church
We started the year serving in the Nursery as music leaders and as Wolf Den Cub Scout leaders. Now, I'm a Relief Society teacher, and Jacob is the Sacrament Meeting chorister and the Primary Chorister. (Somehow, I'm sensing a theme with all these music-related callings . . .)
Some of our nursery kiddos. Love Jacob's face.

6. Hobbies
Becca's favorite hobbies this year were quilting, making cards and reading. Jacob enjoys exercise, and he tries to get Becca to like it, but she's not there yet. =) Jacob ran a half marathon with our brother-in-law Jon in late August. We both enjoy games (Scrabble was their favorite this year) and watching shows together (The Mentalist was their favorite TV show this year). We attended several club meetings for a newly-organized BYU club called Supporting Student Parents.
Jacob stuffing his face after the race.

Laura on her new quilt that I made for her.
5. Moving
We moved from a one-bedroom basement to a two-bedroom basement across town. We save $100+ per month on rent. Our landlord is a old, disabled and very eccentric man, but he's very generous in paying Jacob for any extra help he does around the house.
First diaper change in the new house.
4. Jobs
Jacob worked this year as a Student Manager at the Canon Center three nights a week. Becca worked in the Band Office during Winter Semester, and then she took the rest of the year off from working. Jacob started a job a few weeks ago teaching beginning band at a school in Kearns.

3. Marching Band
This was the first year that neither one of us participated in Marching Band as members, but Jacob was student teaching with the marching band at his school. He attended several competitions with them, and we even made a short family trip down to St. George with the band in November.

2. Tuba
We bought Jacob a tuba! (Okay, Dad helped us a bit . . .a lot, really). Jacob loves having his own instrument, especially since he can't use BYU's tubas anymore. The giant tuba box sat in our living room for several months, acting as a second table/clutter space, but we finally got rid of it eventually.
Jacob's two loves.

Laura in the tuba box before we took all the peanuts out.

1. Laura
Of course, the greatest thing that has happened to us in 2013 was the birth of our daughter. Jacob blessed her in Sacrament Meeting in June, and we were blessed to have so many family come to share that special day with us. She has always been quite the eater, and at first she was quite the sleeper, but now she's digressing a bit when she gets up often during the nights. We switched to cloth diapers when she was about 3 months old, and we like it so much, we probably won't ever go back. She has three and a half teeth, and she LOVES to roll and scooch herself around. She has done well at all of her check-up appointments, always being in the 80th percentile or higher for her sizes. She has the cutest grin and laugh. She gives high-fives and "kisses" which absolutely melt your heart. She transitioned well into solid foods and is still nursing 2-3 times a day. She had torticollis, which is basically an underdeveloped neck muscle. We had some stretches we had to do with her, and once we were really diligent with them, she got better and even use of her neck. She started sitting up on her own around 5 1/2 months, and she can stand leaning up against something for a few minutes at a time. Her favorite toys are her bath toys, a music radio thing, and a wooden spoon. We are so grateful for family and friends who have helped watch Laura, especially when Jacob and I were both back in school again. We love our little girl soo much!

These last couple of pictures were really
hard to take because she moves so much.
And she wants to eat the paper, too . . .

2013 was a pretty awesome year, and we're even more excited for the awesomeness of 2014. Love to all.