Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Little Miss Laura

Well, hello there.
It's been a while since we've posted anything here.
Let me introduce our newest member!
Laura Jean Bahr was born at 1:36 pm on Monday, April 29th. She weighed 7 lbs, 10 oz, and was 20 in. long, and she's as cute as can be. Both baby and mommy made a quick recovery following the labor and delivery (I mean, Mommy's already almost back to pre-pregnancy weight . ..what?!), and our life behind Bahrs just got more interesting.

Here's what we've noticed about our little sweetheart just in the last two weeks:
-She loves making faces.
-She loves squirming.
-She loves eating.
-She loves mommy, daddy, grandma, and all her aunts, uncles, and cousins.

I'm concentrating.

I'm exploring.
I'm pooping. Mommy calls me a pooper when I make this face.

I'm tired.
I'm just adorable.
My Aunt Michelle and cousin Josie.

With cousins Dallin and Daniel.

My Aunt Emily and cousin Luke.

Mommy and Grandma . .and me.
 Here's what else we love about our little one:
-her monkey butt
-her belly button
-the cute sounds she makes
-her adorable little feet

But most of all . ..we love that she's our daughter forever!! 
Isn't she so precious? =)


  1. She's just perfect, Rebecca! She looks just like you!

  2. She is so precious -- how glad we are to have her in the family!
