Sunday, January 22, 2017

10 Things

With the new year, I started a new daily activity. Each day, we choose a slip of paper from our "bucket of joy" and we do that activity at some point during the day. Then I tape up that slip of paper on our calendar for the day, so we can look back and see all the things we've done.

So far, we've done things like: watch sing-a-long Primary videos, draw cartoons, read special books, write a letter to someone, buy a baby outfit for a new baby, etc.

Today's challenge was to blog about 10 things that make me happy. 

1. We recently got a new internet provider. As in, now our internet is hooked up to the school, so it's free! And significantly faster, which means I can upload pictures and videos way faster now! However, our wireless adapter is taking up our only vacant USB port on our computer (aren't we so old school?), so I'd have to juggle some things around to hook up my camera with new pictures.

2. Primary. I love teaching in Primary. I love the Sunbeams. I love the lessons. I love the music. I love the kiddos. I love the sisters I serve with in Primary. Not a week goes by that I don't feel the Spirit in Primary. If Jesus were to come to our ward on Sunday, he'd visit the Primary. 

3.Exercising. Weird, right? I have never considered myself very fit, although I've never been overweight either. The teachers and spouses at Jacob's school are doing a Chubby Challenge fitness challenge from now until Spring Break. There will be cash rewards or other prizes for those who lose the most weight, or the highest percentage of weight, etc. My friend Amber has gotten me more into exercising; I go over to her place on Thursday nights to chat/hangout .. .I mean, really we exercise. So I've been trying to do more lately. This week I exercised every day! Wahoo! Points for me. =)

4. When My Kids Surprise Me: I love it when my kids say or do things that I didn't realize they could do or understand. For example, when Laura is looking/reading a book and says something like, "THE! That says THE! And LOOK!" And she's 100% right. Or when Lucy sings an entire verse of a song that she's only  heard a few times. How do these kids to that? They make me smile. =)

5. Snuggling with my Kiddos. Lucy's a bit confined to the top bunk and can't get out, but Laura can get out of bed, and often Sam cries until he's gotten out of bed (usually just to nurse). So 2 or 3 times a week, there's 4 of us cuddled in Mommy and Daddy's bed. Laura usually uses an excuse to go in there, "I need a bandaid." "I peed." "My tummy hurts (usually  not really, though)" or my most favorite, "Sam is crying--go get him!" (Translation: Yes, Sam is crying, but I'm going to cuddle with you, ok?")

6. Planning Trips: We are going to St George in a couple of weeks for UMEA--our annual visit for professional development and meeting up with former classmates, mentors, teachers and friends in the music teaching profession. We're taking the whole family this year, which means the  kids and I will mostly just be hanging out while Dad's at the conference. =) We're also planning to go up north for Spring Break, and we are excited to meet up with several friends and family members while we're there. 

7. Temple. It's challenging to plan a trip to the temple when you have young kids--it's harder still when you live almost 2 hours away from the closest temple. But, I am so thankful for the blessings of the temple that unite our family for eternity. 

8. When My Kids Play Together Nicely. They are currently doing that right now (which is why I'm typing this blog entry!). It's such a nice relief from the bickering and over-exuberance that often occurs in this house. =)

9. When Jacob Warms Up My Side of the Bed. During the summer, I don't mind climbing in to a chilly bed, but I really don't like climbing into cold sheets during the winter. For some reason, our room always feels like a good 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the house. If Jacob gets into bed before me, he gets on my side while I'm getting ready for bed and warms it all up for me. That's true love, right there, folks. He's a keeper. 

10. Budgeting. I don't stick to my goals 100% of the time, but there's something very satisfactory about reviewing your month's expenses and feeling good about where you've put your money. There's always the inevitable *sigh* when I've exceeded my plans for the month or spend money on things I shouldn't have. However, the organizing, sorting and managing money makes me feel good at bout how we're spending our money. I feel very blessed to have enough money for our needs and some to spare to that we can help others as needed.

There are lots more things that make me happy, but this list is just a small insight. 

So until I get to blogging again . ..peace out. =)

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