Monday, November 12, 2012


As I sat in the stands at the last football game trying soo hard not to freeze to death, I thought a lot of this topic. I decided to make a list of things that last and things that don't last.

-frozen toes
-chapped lips
-being scared or nervous of something that you have to do
-having to pee so bad during halftime show that I was shivering out of control
-Idaho (high school) football team
-handwarmers, although they do last for a very long time
-hot chocolate. You either drink it all, or it turns into cold chocolate.
-the numb feeling in your exposed fingertips
-being a member of the Cougar Marching Band

-feelings of accomplishment
-the warmth of relief
-school spirit
-the comfort of cuddling with your husband drinking hot herbal tea
-the feeling of sharing something with so many wonderful people that are dear to you
-knowing that you finished the thing you were scared of/nervous about and that everything in the long run was okay

I basically just had a bag of mixed feelings at the game. Knowing that it was my last home game in Cougar Stadium, I wanted to put forth my best effort. It was hard, and by golly, it was COLD!!!  I started feeling sick and lightheaded from the cold during our run-through before the game. After rehearsing on an ice-covered field with barely visible yard lines, I was worried to pieces what would happen inside the stadium. And sitting for several back to back hours in the stands with the possibility of even more snow?! Yikes! Because I was feeling not so great, Jacob made me sit inside as the band marched down to the stadium. (On a side note, I still remember the first time I marched down to the stadium for my very first game. I had many of the same feelings . ..Am I doing everything right? Will I remember how things go? What will this be like?) Thank goodness I was able to march pregame! My fingers had regained some mobility, and I kept a smile on my face the whole way down the field. I did it! =)
And sitting in the stands wasn't too terrible either. (Well, I say that looking back on it). I managed the first half without even putting my parka on, and my handwarmers tucked behind my ears made 'em nice and toasty. Plus, my sister and her husband were at the game, too!
Halftime. Again, big smiles, doing my very best. Thankfully, there was no ice on this field! =) Of course, by the end of halftime, I had to pee sooooo bad, that my lower body was literally shivering uncontrollably.
The good news is . ...we made it! We did it! We won! We didn't just win the game, the bowl game invitation, etc. We won a feeling of progress and accomplishment. And that's what lasts.

1 comment:

  1. I liked this post, Rebecca. Your analysis of things that last and things that don't last applies to all areas of life not just marching band. I think if we would take time to analyze what in our life will last and how to make the important things the priorities, then we will be able to make better choices in our lives to help the lasting things win out!
