Friday, March 18, 2016

The Girls.

Laura loves to climb up on my lap and say "Read me a story!" In saying that, she really means that she wants me to make up a story on the spot and tell it to her. She likes to climb into laundry baskets and hampers, and she loves to color. She'll scribble something and say, "Ah! It's my name!" Then, when every paper has one tiny mark on it, she claims, "I need more paper, Mommy!!"

The other day I was singing the Dora the Explorer song "Dora Dora Dora, the explorer!" and I tried getting her to fill in the "explorer" part. Instead, she says "The giiirrlll!" She fake coughs so she can try to ask for medicine. She loves candy-nola (granola) bars and always wants them for her treat for going potty. Speaking of potty, she'll pull out her potty into the living room and say, "I need to do my exercises." She then promptly climbs up and jumps off her her potty several times in a row. She likes jumping down curbs and jumping out of the car, too.

It's fun taking the girls to the pediatrician's office. If it's for Lucy, Laura likes to say, "Not for me, not me." But she loves watching the doctor do her thing, "What her doing to Lucy?" And inevitably, she always grabs at least 3 urine sample cups, opens them and asks me to put water in them. So yes, she drinks water out of the urine cups. =)

She loves trying on and wearing shoes. Any size. She likes to climb up on the stool or couch and say, "I am tall, Mommy!" Her favorite phrases lately are "What _______ doing Mommy?" & "Are you happy, Mommy?" (She's even learned other emotions, "Are you upset Mommy?") She likes to talk about her upcoming birthday: she will be three, and she will eat cake.

Earlier today, I heard the girls playing in the bathroom, then I heard Lucy crying really hard. It turns out, Laura had grabbed the dishrag from the kitchen sink, soaked it and tried giving Lucy a sponge bath, "I clean Lucy, Mommy! I clean Lucy!" Besides the hysterical crying, it was pretty funny.

Lucy makes the CUTEST faces. I love when she nods with her little lips puckered over her teeth. She's a food magnet and finds anybody who has food. She GUZZLES milk and will drink her entire sippy cup within just a few minutes. And then she usually burps pretty loudly, and it's cute. She has the darlingest grin with a dimple in each round cheek. Besides Mama and Dada, she can say "Baa" (ball), "App-uh" (apple) and "Eh-eh-ooo" (Let it go). I love her little bow-legged, big belly waddle! When we go outside on the playground, she is content just to walk on the sidewalk, rarely venturing to the sand or even the grass. She had her 15-month checkup yesterday, and it turns out she has a little ear infection, so she gets to take medicine day and night for it for a few days (which is why Laura thinks she should get medicine, too).

I am so blessed to be home with these two little munchkins every day! Some of these little things that they do are so endearing, I don't want to forget them, so I write them down. =) Being a mom is the best!

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