Thursday, January 28, 2016

And That's OK!

We've watched Elmo's Potty Time a MILLION times here at our house. Laura has learned the words so well, especially to this song. Sometimes, it surprises me what she's learned. Take a listen to the song (you won't regret it!), and then these following scenarios will seem even funnier!

Today we were watching a movie, and at one point, one of the characters said, "We all understand that accidents do happen" (10 pts to anyone who can figure out what movie we were watching.) Laura turned around and looked at me and sang, "And that's OK!!"

She had 3 potty accidents today (and just as many times going on the potty .. .), and after each one when she got a sticker taken off her potty chart, she sang, "Accidents happen, and that's OK!"

Later, Daddy was making up a song about how cute Lucy is, and he made up a random tune, "Lucy is a chunker yeah, yeah, yeah." And Laura chimes in "And that's OK!!"

Accidents happen, folks. And that's ok! =) Life lessons from a 2 year old. 

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