Thursday, January 7, 2016

Musings of a Mom

Well, regardless of how long it's been since I've posted, sometimes I feel like sharing funny things that happen to us during the day. If I don't write them down, I will forget them, and sometimes I don't care for the whole Facebook world to read them.

Today was a clean up day. Besides the normal cleaning up diapers, cleaning up after meals, cleaning up toys and cleaning up dirty laundry (that somehow gets scattered everywhere .. .especially little socks!). .. . I also got to help clean up. . .

-two pee pee accidents (with no more carpet cleaner. Laura dumped all that out yesterday, of course). 

-three containers of baby cereal. Luckily, this was spilled on the kitchen tile, and I caught Laura before she spilled ALL of it
-a thousand (it seemed like) little clear ponytail holders on the bathroom floor. That was a fun one. Now they are out of reach of little hands.

Today Laura's favorite words have been "Lucy's awake!" --but only shouted really loudly when Lucy's trying to sleep. She will randomly say "BYU bib" even when it's not meal-time. She got this BYU apron from Grandma and she LOVES it! She also likes the word "weapon" because I took away an extension piece to the play pen. I told her it wasn't a weapon, and now that's her favorite word.

She also likes to read aloud her Lion King, Finding Nemo, and Mickey Mouse Three Musketeers books. They sound something like this: 

"Let's bite them and eat them. It's a big one. Simba is the boss the boss. Oh the babe the babe. Susa-pea. When no when no. Zappa zappa zappa zis. A happy ending passa baby buy 'em. What's a bee. Get help. Bessa bessa bessa. Some mighty days. Heavenly Father." 

"Do wee wees Do wee wees. Where's dad where's dad where's daddy. What found him. Find him. Find daddy find daddy! bessa bessa bessa. Um, Nemo. zappa zappa zappa zis. Um, Dory and Nemo. Dory eat them. wee wee woo woo wee wee woo woo. Say wee wee woo woo. There story Nemo. Daddy. Where daddy. Right here. Find daddy. We read stories. The end." -Finding Nemo

She still likes to play with lightswitches, tear off wrappers of any food jars/cans in her reach and strew toys (especially blocks) everywhere. And this morning she was singing non-stop the ABC song and Jingle Bells. She also likes to run away and say "No get me, Mommy!!" Today she cried when I took away her colored pencils (that were somebody else's anyway) and when I took away her toothpaste.

As challenging as it can be being a mom to these two active girls, there are so many sweet things that happen each day that make me just love being a mom. Even right now Laura is screaming "Mommy Mommy!!" in my ear and making a mess of some trash I have yet to throw away. =) I love these goobers! Now, she's knocking off blocks off the kitchen counter with a carrot peeler. . .in true Dennis the Menace bathtub style.

Lucy has been pretty chill. ..doing her normal things. Opening up a sippy cup and spilling all of its contents for the second time in two days. Luckily, both of those happened on the kitchen tile. She is walking with more and more steps, and she even likes being put down on her feet instead of on her bum. She always seems to have her biggest farts when she's seated in her high chair. Laura often gladly informs me "Lucy farted!!"

In other news today, we toured a preschool that we may enroll Laura in . . .the only thing that worries me is the price. Both of my girls successfully ate leftovers for lunch, as did I. With a side of Chick-fil-A fries. Both girls napped in the car (which is of course why I had to drive out of my way to Chick-fil-A in the first place . . .=). And I FINALLY organized all my receipts and expenditures for the month of December. I only had two transactions that I don't know what are (but I'm pretty sure Jacob does), and our total spent was less than I anticipated. Go team.

Alright . ..back to being a mom. . ..=)

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