Friday, January 29, 2016


I LOVE watching my girls play! They don't often play well together since big sister tends to be a bit aggressive. .. .but each of them does little things that just melt my heart.

Laura talks and babbles to herself the most random things. Just now she was chatting about her tap shoes and her fairy wings and Baby Bear (from Sesame Street). She is now at the toy and bookshelf (which has spilled out into an entire corner of the living room) carefully selecting certain books to take back to her cuddle station in the rocking chair. Every so often, she grabs a couple of blankets and some books and just cuddles up to read. She learned that from me. =) When I catch her doing it, she sometimes will lie down and say, "Goodnight. Sleepy time." I stinkin' love when she reads books aloud to herself. She'll point out random things from pictures or say words and phrases she remembers from the text. Right now she's looking at a book, and each page, she points to a picture and says, "His house. And his house. And his house."

Lucy likes to look through books, too. She's definitely more of a people person than her sister, but she likes books, too. She likes to turn them inside-out if possible (if that makes sense). My favorite thing that she does lately is when she's sitting looking at something and she'll just rub her head. It reminds me a bit of her Uncle Spencer (who is notorious for rocking and scratching his head when he gets excited about something) I'm trying really hard to get a video of it, but I never seem to catch her at the right time.

When Lucy is playing with something that Laura doesn't want her to play with (usually her special books -AKA library books), I gently tell Laura to give Lucy something else to play with. One time Laura gave her a block. Just one block. It cracked me up! Sometimes she'll give Lucy some other books from our shelf, but then Laura gets more interested in them anyway and Li'l L goes back to looking at the special books. Oh man, they are such goobers!! =)

I don't much care who reads these blogs, but lately, both Jacob and I have felt an extra need to document all the cuteness of our kids at the ages where they're at. They won't stay this little forever, and often times it's the little things they do that just melt my heart. I should definitely try to get some more videos and pictures on here, but sometimes just writing it out will help me remember, too. =)

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