Tuesday, January 12, 2016


The girls are sick. Laura has this nasty cough .. .the deep chest-rattling kind. Lucy has some beautiful diarrhea, and both girls have the biggest runny noses I have ever seen.

Regardless, they are staying pretty happy . ..once they have enough food, juice (apple juice is our friend lately!), special books (aka library books) and cuddles.

Laura has been rocking it on the potty lately! She has had fewer and fewer accidents during the day, and ends up putting her pee pee and poo poo (which lately she likes to call wee wee and woo woo) in the potty or in a diaper. We still put her in diapers if we're going out or to someone's house. At her cousins' house, she voluntarily goes to their potty on her own . ..mostly missing by just a few seconds and getting it on her clothes, but at least she's going there on her own!

Lucy begs and begs for food "nana! nana!" This girl out-eats her sister on a regular basis. She is really getting the hang of walking, and she still has the most infectious grin . ..even when she's a little sick.

We gave the girls some giant stuffed mice for Christmas. They are loved. Laura calls them "Poopah!"

Just had to get a pic of the cute li'l lopsided piggies. =)

In other news, I've been stage managing a show at the Empress. Mostly my duties have been super easy . ..attend rehearsals, call lines, make sure props and set pieces get placed, start the music tracks and give lighting cues. It's such a fun show, and it is a pleasure to watch each time. We opened last weekend, so it's nice to only have my weekend nights occupied instead of every night. =) Can't wait for Jacob to come see the show!

And in case you haven't seen the video on Facebook, here's a little peek into the new one joining us in May! 
She kept saying the wrong gender for each video we tried taking. . ..we finally got her to say the right thing after at least half a dozen attempts! 

Jacob has been swamped ever since school started again. . .. end of term testing, grading, school musical rehearsals and recruiting meetings at his feeder elementary schools. Whew. He's still a gem, though. .. .one night while I was at the theater for a performance, he did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen and eating area, put both girls to bed, vacuumed the living room, washed, folded and put away 2 loads of laundry. I think I'll keep him. . ..=)

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