Sunday, July 15, 2012


Do you ever wear something that makes you feel embarrassed? There's the typical unzipped fly, the inside out shirt, mismatched socks, or any article of clothing worn backwards, the noticeable stain .. . .you know.
Well, Jacob had this certain of article of clothing (well, a few of them) that made me embarrassed when he wore it. Any guesses? I'll give you a hint: if he were still 5 years old, I'd probably let him get away with it.
Yup, that's it. Clip-on ties. Seriously. Clip-on ties!! I know he knows how to tie a necktie, and he doesn't have any arm/wrist injury that would prevent him from tying a knot. I gave him a hard time every time he tried to wear one; I even clipped one on to the trashcan as a warning of what would really happen if he tried wearing it again. Of course, if Jacob were writing this post, he'd go on and on about how sometimes he doesn't have time to tie a good tie. And how good the designs are, and how you really can't tell it's a clip-on tie when you wear it right. . . . yeah yeah . . .
That's why he's not writing this post. =)

He just could not part with those ties. But thanks to a profound suggestion from my Uncle Mike, we came up with the perfect solution. Jacob would donate his ties to DI if I donated an article of clothing (of his choosing) as well. Here's what he chose:

You know, I really don't see why he never liked this jacket. It's pretty cute, I think. But on closer examination, I discovered this . . .

Yup, sweat stains on the collar and sleeves.
And something else I realized only a few months ago as we were looking through pictures for our wedding album . . .I've had this jacket since junior high.

Yeah, it's time to give it up.
"But, honey, maybe we should save them for sentimental reasons. Years from now, we'll joke about those ties and that jacket, and it'd be fun to have them"
That's why I made this blog post.
Plus also, if you ever want to see how cute the jacket really was . can always look at Jacob's proposal video . .. I was wearing it on the day he proposed. =)


  1. Funny because Eric had some shirts when we were first married that I detested! Like a T-shirt he had in high school that he got from scout camp and it was bright turquoise. All the paint was peeling off. I never made him give it away, but I DID put it in the 72 hour kit collection!

  2. When Spencer has an item of clothing (most often a t-shirt) that is past its prime I usually suggest that it become a "lawn mowing shirt." This suggestion always makes him very happy and he is delighted to comply with my wise idea :). Haha, okay well, he usually puts up a bit of a struggle but I think men sometimes need a little help with these kinds of things.

  3. How about lawn-moving ties?? :)
