Sunday, July 15, 2012

Flying High!

Our friend KJ recently got his pilot's license, and he's working on getting flying hours to advance to the next level. So .. .we got to go flying with him!! It was so awesome! We flew over Provo, BYU Campus, etc, all the way to Timpanogos. We saw some destruction caused by the forest fire in Alpine, and then we flew down over and into Heber for a touch and go landing. Then we looped around back to Spanish Fork where we started. It was soo fun!! Jacob got a little sick, but he enjoyed it, too. =)
So in case, any of our other readers are pilots looking for flying hours . .. count us in!!
Before take-off.

Jacob's ready to go!

It was my first time, so they let me ride up front. Way awesome!

I meant to include the wing in this picture .. .as proof that we were actually on a plane.

You don't see a view like this every day.

Jacob and Carissa chillin' in the back. =)

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