Monday, August 8, 2016

Better When I'm Dancing

I decided the real reason that I'm keeping up with my blog. It's tough being a mom to young kids, and I have a least one little melt-down every day. OK, some days it's LOTS of BIG meltdowns, but you get the idea.

So if I can find something happy and joyful to post on my blog each day, then it's something to look forward to. And it's a good way to remember my kids' "magical years" as a friend recently reminded me. So whenever I am tempted to have one of those highly explosive moments that all moms have (hear, hear), I can think on the joyful and funny moments I've added (or hope to add!) to my blog.

I was reading a book with Laura today, and the last picture was this:
She was excited to see the carousel since we rode one together at the zoo a couple of months ago. She saw the car ride in the corner of the page and said, "A car-o-sell! I wanna ride the car-o-sell! Let's jump on it and ride it, OK?"

Then she set the book on the ground and jumped on the page.

Not even kidding.

And I don't even think she's seen Bert and Mary Poppins do that either. My child is just brilliant. =)

Come 5:00 and she's getting tired and I REALLY did't want her to nap that late. So, I decided to put on some upbeat music and get us dancing.

Heidi first introduced me to this song on a lull in a day at Grandma's house. Normally, I don't like Meghan Trainer, but I really like this song. And I really like her hot red dress in this video . ..just sayin' . . .. And well, I Feel Better When I'm Dancing . ..don't you?

And apparently my kids do, too. #mommywin

Aaannd .. .I'm bookmarking this page for future use. =)


  1. Dude, I totally have had it bookmarked for months. It's a fun one!

  2. I stiknin' love watching the girls dance to it. Can we do a choreography of this for a family reunion or something?
