Saturday, August 13, 2016

Saturday is a Special Day

Here's why:
Morning Cuddle Time (1 out of 4 is dressed, btw)
 The girls and I walked to the elementary school playground. Which is awesome. Buuut it was deathly hot today. Lucy wanted to be carried on the way home so she could just drink contently from the water in my CamelBak. Laura saw a concrete tube; she called it a bear's home. Then she cried that she wanted Daddy (translation: I want Daddy so he can carry me).

We got back, and Laura saw that she had left her beloved silly putty out on the apartment playground. She immediately went inside to wash it, but it was dirty and awfully dried out. I suggested that maybe we can ask (or "aks" as Laura says) Sarah to help us make some more. So, Laura immediately ran out of the house to go ask Sarah for more. And again, the silly putty is her beloved toy.

Later the Muhlesteins watched our girls while Jacob and I and the little guy went on a date to The View, which is basically what it sounds like. Although it's also a hotel/restaurant/gift shop/museum about anything and everything about the Navajo Nation. We live in a pretty cool place with some awesome history.

Meanwhile the girls got to play in the wading pool, play with shaving cream and play with play-dough and dolls. To say they were reluctant to come home is understating it by far.

Oh, and this li'l guy had a birthday. Time is flying.

Love those li'l dimples. .. =)
After bedtime for the kiddles, we finally attacked the three baskets (or bak-sets, as Laura calls them) of clean clothes that have been washed over the last couple of days. We recently got some new clothes hampers . ..some cheap-o ones, but hampers nonetheless. Normally I try to do ALL the laundry on Tuesdays, but I decided I should dub one of the hampers the "pee hamper." That way, the smelly peed-on clothes don't stink up our closet for a whole week, and they don't make sorting out the clothes a smelly chore. Then when the pee hamper is full, regardless of what day it is, the whole load gets washed. I think I created the pee hamper idea yesterday . ..maybe the day before.

Today I did the 3rd (or was it 4th?) pee load of clothes, sheets and blankets that had pee and poo on them.

Hence, the very large pile of clothes to fold and put away. Which included making at least two beds.

We were putting all these clean things away when Laura says to me from her recently-made-less-than-ten-minutes ago bed, "I pee-peed, Mommy!" Then the dreaded realization that she is wearing PANTIES!!

Sigh . . .

Well, pee hamper . are full again, ready for another load tomorrow . ..

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