Sunday, August 7, 2016

Returning the Favor

I read in a book of fiction yesterday that a character asks another if she prays. The female responds that no, she doesn't really pray to God, yet she tries to live an honest and true life. To this, the first states, "God is talking to us every day. Ought we not to return the favor?"

I like the truth of that statement. God really does talk to us every day, although we don't hear or see Him directly. He talks to us through the kind words and actions of others. He talks to us through the pleasures we enjoy every day. . .a beautiful sunset, a rainstorm, a delicious piece of cheesecake or a nice juicy burger. He speaks to us through stable employment, through education opportunities, through humor and physical touch.

I realize more and more every day that I am an imperfect parent. But I sure love it when my kids ask me for something, "Read this book to me?" "Please may I want some milk?" or when they express gratitude or joy. Jacob taught Laura to say "This is amazing Mommy!" when they're eating a particularly yummy meal that I made. And even Lucy's little "Deenk Ooo!" when I give her something is just adorable. And sometimes (or maybe a lot of times), they get into trouble because they don't do what their all-knowing-and-wise parents tell them to do. (I can't quite decide the level of sarcasm in my self descriptors there . . .)

Surely my Heavenly Father wants to hear the same from me, His daughter? He loves me infinitely and knows what I need, far better than what I need. He loves it when I ask Him for things. He lives it when I express my gratitude. He loves me despite my poor decisions and short-comings. And sometimes I wonder . .. do I act like a stubborn, tantrum-driven three-year-old to Him sometimes? That's some food for thought right there. ;)

Jesus taught:

Or what man is there of you, whom, if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, so ye even so to them. . . .

You may notice that this is one of the teachings found in the record of the Old World and the New World. Is it perhaps because there were parents in both audiences that needed to hear the parallel?

In speaking now of food (bread and fish, right?) and returning the favor, I now move on to my non-sequitur follow-up topic. That being ice cream.

Some of our dear dear friends in Magna would often invite a family over to their home for homemade ice cream and visiting on Sunday evenings. We were the recipients of their delicious desserts and fantastic friendship on more than one occasion. =) So when we moved, one of the first things we ordered online was our own ice cream maker. And we are "returning the favor" and inviting friends over for ice cream and visiting. And well, we love our ice cream maker so much, not every batch we makes ends up being shared with others. So far, we've had the Carlsons and the Muhelsteins over, and in a few minutes, our neighbors the Ellots are coming over for some delicious peach cinnamon ice cream with fresh peaches from our school orchard.

We might have filled this one just a bit too full. . . .

So if you're reading this, find some way you can "return the favor," whether it be to God or your fellow man.

"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

P.S. We have some neighbors who are vegan. Anybody have any tried and true recipes for vegan ice cream or something equivalent?


  1. Is this the old fashioned kind with ice and rock salt, or is this one that you plug in and it freezes the cream on its own? What a fun tradition!

    1. It's a Cuisinart brand. Basically, it's a freezer bowl that you freeze for several hours. Then you put it on the base, add the paddle and the lid, turn it on, add your mix,and 15-20 minutes later it's all mixed and frozen. We love it!

  2. We made mango ice cream once, where you use coconut cream (stick the can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight and the cream will separate from the milk) instead of the cream and used almond milk instead of regular milk (we do that anyway) and it was delicious. We found the recipe online, but I can't find the one we used. There were a lot of vegan ice cream recipes though, so hopefully you find something yummy!
    P.S. We miss you guys!
