Saturday, August 6, 2016

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I am amazed at the things that Lucy learns from Laura. Lucy's vocabulary is booming, and she will repeat words, especially words of prayers, songs, or stories. She's just at that age where any word coming out of her mouth is the cutest thing ever.

They sometimes "argue" with the following dialogue:
LJr: No!
LSr: Yes!
LJr: No!
LSr: Yes!
. . . .and on and on until Laura either gets frustrated and hurts Lucy or Lucy starts laughing. It's so funny because Lucy is just being silly and saying a word she knows. However, Laura thinks Lucy is actually opposing her, so she gets into her frustrated argue phase.

Lucy gives super sweet kisses and folds her arms when she sees LSr do it. And Lucy LOVES to climb, mostly so she can be closer to whoever is sitting on the couch or on a chair. Wherever or whatever Laura is doing, Lucy wants to do with her. Lucy wants to play with the book or the toy that big sister is playing with, which leads to a few (or maybe several) altercations a day. Lucy likes to sit on the potty (fully clothed, mind you) because she sees Laura do it. Lucy follows Laura outside to play, and she wants to eat something every time LSr is eating something. Unfortunately, Lucy also learns naughty things like hitting and biting, but for the most part it warms my heart to see Lucy idolize and play with her big sister. This is why I'm so glad they're close in age .. .so they can be besties for life! =)

Here's some pictures of the kids, where in each instance, LJr wants to do what LSr is doing.
Sam's getting a facelift from big sis.

Lucy: There's room for me, right?

Just like Mommy.

And the video proof of LJr doing exactly what LSr does . . .

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