Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Silly things

I love the way Lucy climbs on the playground. She gets onto the lower platform squirming onto her belly, then finally up to her feet. Then she goes up the steps and down the slide. She used to be scared of the slide, but that didn't last long! At the bottom of the slide, she has to turn around on her belly to get off the slide. Then she repeats this process a billion times.

She likes to cover my nose with her palm when we play Peek-a-Boo.

She loves to kiss the end of your nose.

And if you ask her, her name is Ya-ya. For all intents and purposes, it's practically true because she IDOLIZES big sister.

She dances by shaking her hips.

And I'm pretty sure she's starting to sing the tune to Twinkle Twinkle (Larua's favorite song).

If she's walking towards you and looking at you, she often tilts her head to the side as she walks.

Laura does silly things, too. But mostly the things she does are mean touches. Sigh. At least she says really funny things!

Me: Are you wet?
L: Yes. Because I am pee-pee.

"Take off your boobies and put them in the bathroom!" (Side note: Yes, she sees me feed Sam all the time, but she gets this particular phrase from a YouTube video linked here)

She has a friend named Carrie. And Laura loves to ask to play board games. Her favorite to ask for is "Carrie-um" (Cranium)

Our local grocery store is called Gouldings. Last time we went to Blanding, we ate at a burger place that had a small bowling alley. She asked what they were doing, so we said it's a game called bowling, to which she exclaims, "I want to play Gouldings!"

"Oh my Josh!"

"Can I watch Ger-jus George?"

"I wanna watch Jer-chus George!"

. . .she says it differently every time! =)

She loves to play in blankets and call herself "Mary." Because Mary, the mother of Jesus, has a covering over her head. She does this little skip-in-place thing with a blanket over her head. That's her form of dancing. 

She LOVES her monkey book and her Beauty and the Beast book. Which means that Lucy loves them too and takes them when Laura is otherwise occupied. 

Both girls love to play on the piano keyboard we have

Between the two of them every single book is pulled off the shelf. Every. Single. Day. 

Both love eating Ramen with frozen peas. And eggs and toast. 

And they both have a propensity to bonk their heads on stuff. Yesterday, Laura bonked her head probably four times on the bed frame (Daddy was putting it back together after we got the railing welded back on). Lucy bonks on chairs or furniture.

Both sing, rock, and "read" books constantly. 

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