Monday, August 15, 2016


Our Primary is very short-staffed right now, so in the meanwhile before we get callings, we've been filling in for Nursery--I think almost every week since we've been here. Except maybe one week.

Normally, it's our whole family, plus another girl Laura's age and a little boy Lucy's age. Now there's another boy a couple months older than Lucy.

Yesterday we spoke in church. Which means that one of us was left to herd the children while we sat in the congregation. Luckily we had some help; some women helped to hold Sam or take a girl out in the foyer as needed, but it was still pretty crazy. (Translation: girls running in the hallway, Sam having projectile spit-up ALL over, and Laura having poop leak out of her diaper)

Oh, and then we had Nursery! Another two hours with our own kids! I mean, not that I terribly mind, but it was pretty rough for a while. Between just our three kids, we had 3 poopy diapers, 2 changes of clothes, at least 2 time outs (with some scratching and biting involved .. .guess which kid!), and Sam was nursing during some of that time. And we had another boy in Nursery who is a few months shy of 18 months. We gave him a try in there with us, but being the little guy that he is, he was crying non-stop until we decided a few minutes later to take him to his mom. The other 3 yo had to be taken to her mom twice for help going potty, and one of the new little boys is a bit like Laura in the aggression factor.

Whew. It was rough.

Finally, after clean-up, we had snacks. The 15 mo old boy was with his mom, as well as the other 3 yo who needed her mom for the potty. Sam was asleep on Jacob's shoulder (and Jacob was dozing, too). It's amazing how calm it can get when all the toys are put away and you pull out the fruit snacks and crackers. We had a short little lesson on temples, then some coloring and some songs to wrap up the time. Those last 15 minutes were so precious with those kiddos.

I'm just hoping that maybe we don't get called to Nursery .. .especially since our kids comprise of half of the nursery. Then again, whoever does get called to Nursery will probably be needing us every 15 minutes or so for a diaper change or to solve some behavioral issue . .. .=)

After church, we had nice long naps. Then we had our neighbors Cindy and Stephen over for ice cream. Though they are not LDS, they are good people and it was really awesome to get to know them a little better. Then we had a fire pit at the compound with some other families who stuck it out. Great time visiting, roasting marshmallows and getting all smelled up like smoke.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I have subbed in nursery twice, I feel this post more than ever. I am so, so glad that I am a mom and so, so glad to not be in nursery at this precise point in time. But bless those who are!
