Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Day in the Life

Years from now, when I look back on what it was like to be a mom with young kids at home, I may forget some of these little things. I imagine I'll look through these experiences with rose-colored glasses thinking everything was just so wonderful and fun.

To be honest? Every day is a challenge in one way or another! It really is a roller coaster with high and low points of every. single. day.

Here's an example from today. Laura has a sticker chart, mostly for potty training, but sometimes we use the stickers as part of her consequences for her actions. If she has a pee-pee accident, she gets a sticker taken off, but she also gets a sticker taken off for hurting Lucy or for screaming (both of which she does every day at least once). She can earn stickers by going pee-pee or poo-poo on the potty, but she can also earn stickers for doing nice things like helping with the laundry or helping me change Lucy's diaper or something.

In the last hour, she's lost 6 stickers. Argh! Come on child. ..when do you learn?!

And, she locked herself in the bathroom. Again. I don't really know how she managed that, since the child lock rubber grippy thing is on the inside of the door. How did she reach in there to turn the knob?

Sigh. Ok, so being a mom has some rough points, but there's also other things she does that just melt my heart. In the last couple of days, she's learned how to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (which comes out Tinkle Tinkle). She has also learned to ask the question, "Are you happy, Mommy?" And even if I'm frustrated at her or something, it's really hard to say no to the question when your darling, innocent, smiley-faced two-year old wants you to say yes. =) I love watching and listening to her play or sing on her own or even with Lucy (when she's nice to her).

One of her favorite song videos to watch is this one:

Not only is the video so sweet, but when Laura sings along, it melts my heart and almost brings me to tears every time. (She even says the words "Who are you? And so are you!" when they are on the screen) 

It's so refreshing for me to make a little blog post when I feel frustrated. It takes me just a few minutes to get all the frustration out, and then I usually am back to my normal self again. I just need to remind myself that it's no big deal and that life goes on. 

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