Friday, February 26, 2016

Giggles and Grins

Often I feel like I talk about Laura more because she's older and more active, vocal and physical. But this post is about my little chubby baby girl who captures my heart every day.

Have I mentioned how much I LOOOVEE Lucy's giggle and grin? She has the chubbiest, roundest cheeks, a mouthful of teeth, and the cutest dimples and little roundy nose .. .aaahhh! I just can't get over how cute she is! (I really should post pictures since just talking about her doesn't do her justice)

Right now, she's in her high chair just giggling away. 'Course, she did just have lots of food for lunch . ..including juice and some cookie dough for dessert. =)

She's really good at clapping (often when other people are), and pointing to her nose. I say, "Point to your nose!" and she puts her finger and thumb in a gun pose and points to her teeth. Sometimes she'll just rub the side of her head with her palm. Bah! Cuteness overload. And she still has the out of control arms sometimes that like to bang on things or just wave.

Somehow she's learned to get one arm out of her bib, so she usually has a bib half on at mealtimes. I love when she laughs at silly things .. .like a movie or her sister's antics or something random. She actually loves being tickled on her bare belly. And she loves to watch videos of herself .. .she just laughs and laughs at herself because she thinks she's so funny.

This is one of my favorite videos of the girls--mostly because Lucy is giggling like none other, and she's super duper happy. And because Laura is doing what she does best--playing with non-toys with her little flair for movement and drama.

1 comment:

  1. I can't watch the video. It says "This video is private" when I tried to play it.
