Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Little Memories I Want to Remember Forever

Sometimes when Laura is hungry, she says, "Dinnertime!" So I said, "Yeah, we should probably have lunch, soon, huh?"

So she goes to the fridge and brings me the tupperware of leftover cookie dough. "I need cookie dough, Mommy! Eat cookie dough?" Well, she's obviously seen us do it before, and with the sweetness overload (of the cookie dough and the cute kid), I couldn't say no.

We snuggled on the chair picking out and eating cookie dough with our hands. Laura grabbed a toddler-size fistful and said, "Big bite Mommy!" and stuffed it all in her mouth. And then for no reason at all we both started giggling with our mouths full of cookie dough. Here we are a pair of dirty ragamuffins (both overdue for a shower/bath) snuggling, eating cookie dough and laughing like little miscreants.

Another funny thing-on Sunday, she was playing with her little go-car thing, and she said out of the blue, "I go to Bethlehem!"

Recently she likes to ask, "What (someone's name) doing?" Or "Where (someone)?" She had a whole series of "Where Stephen? Where Charlotte? Where Kyle?" questions. I usually answer those, "At Stephen's house," etc. She asked a whole series of those questions and ended with, "Where's Heavenly Father?" Ahh . ..what a sweet moment! Now she knows that Heavenly Father is in heaven. =)

I love being a mom. =)

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