Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Little Things

Today was a fun day with my kiddos. We went to Toddler Time at the library. Laura was so excited to go, she was running to fast and slipped and skinned her knee on the way in. When I offered her a band-aid, she said no. Which is funny, considering she woke up this morning sobbing and crying for a band-aid for a non-existent injury. Normally at Toddler Time, they read a few stories and then have a bunch of different toys/blocks and stuff out for the kids to play with. The regular librarian was out sick today, so it was just play time today. But, oh boy, there were a TON of kids there today! Laura ended up finding a corner to be alone with her bus so that she wouldn't have to share. Lucy found her anyway. =)

Then we went to Daddy's school so Mommy could practice piano with his choir. Then we bought and ate lunch at Smith's Marketplace. Lunchables and free produce from the produce box. =) Lucy again ate more than Laura. I bought a bag of chips for us to share. . ..it was easily gone before dinnertime. =)

Once again at home, we all took naps. Laura woke me up because she was likely rocking a hole in the wall with her big fat head. =) Laura has been pretty good today about going potty and playing with her sister. Oh, I guess she did have a poopy accident this morning. I guess I already forgot about it.  They have this set of blocks, and for a while this is how they played. Lucy would pull one out of the box and hand it to Laura. Laura would then run it over (with dog-panting) to the table and set it on the table, then she'd come back and get another block from Lucy. It was cute.

Lucy had a cute moment today. She had a chip in one hand, and I handed her the sippy cup. Normally she has to grab it with both hands, but she couldn't figure out how to do it with a chip in her hand. =)

Laura also liked to pretend to go to school today. She'd grab a ball, a book, and her bag of blocks and say, "I go to school!" "Oh, who's your teacher?" "Um .. .Michelle!!" Then she'd dump all that stuff at Lucy's feet and say, "You go to school now, Lucy?"

Also this morning, Laura's favorite word has been "Dangit." Oops . ..I guess I'd better watch my language more! I keep trying to convince her to say "Donuts!" instead. "No, Laura, we don't say that word. We say 'donuts,' remember?" I think she kind of learned--while we were Facetiming with Lisa, she kept saying a word over and over. I couldn't figure out what she was saying until I realized she was saying DONUTS! Yay! It kind of worked! =)

Plus, during nap-time I got to listen to one of my Hypnobabies tracks. It seems like with the rarity of both girls napping at the same time, the only time I have to listen to that is when I'm going to bed. And then I just fall asleep within the first 5 minutes anyway, so I'm not getting much out of it. Today, it helped me feel so relaxed and rested. Ahh . ..'twas rill nice. =)

So, you know. Not all days in the Bahr household are crazy.

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