Thursday, February 11, 2016

What does she LEARN that?!?

Here are some incredibly hilarious things that Laura has said or done lately that make me ask myself. . .Where are you learning this, kid?!

-She likes to play with Daddy's gangster hat. She puts it on and says, "I am a boy!"
How fitting that she's wearing her dance costume with this hat! =)

-She likes to play with blankets. She wrapped one over her head and said, "I am Mary." The next day she was playing with a bunch of "Marys" and draping them over the posts on her bed frame. =)

-She begged for a fork from the dish rack when it wasn't even meal-time, and she threw a fit when I wouldn't give her a fork. "I NEED A FOOORRRKK!!" (But then I started making fun of her little fit and got her laughing. Mom win. =)

-She stinkin' colored on the iPad screen and cover. She KNOWS that pen only goes on paper, and she still did it! Grrr .. . .

-She told me an entire paragraph narrative the other day when we had hot dogs for lunch. "I eat hot dogs at Gramma's house. I hit Lucy. Lucy fall down and bleed. I get time out." (All of which is a true account) She then told me the same story when I put her in time-out later that same day.

-Sometimes she says things, and I'm like .. .did you just say that? So I ask her, "Did you say . . .?" And of course, she always repeats what I said whether or not it's what she actually said. Here's a couple of those instances:

-Look, a ninja!
-I cut off your head!

A the library, she likes to find a specific type of book and hoard all of them. She grabbed a bunch of Dora the Explorer books and carried the whole stack of them around everywhere. Then, when I sat down with her to read one, she got super bored and ran off. Go figure. We also read a book about animals, and I was surprised that she knew what a seal and a peacock were. When did she learn that?

Some other things, she's able to put into context super well. For instance, she knows the shape of a circle is "roundy roundy roundy" (Thank you Sesame Street!), so the other day she picked up a frisbee and said, "Roundy roundy roundy!!"

I read a book with her where there's a picture of two kids and their giant tower of blocks. I asked her what happens on that page, and she said, "They build a castle!" (That's what she always "does" with her blocks.)

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