Friday, February 12, 2016

Mommy Fail

To be honest, sometimes I feel like I do a pretty awful job as a mom. The house constantly looks like a tornado ran through it, dishes are eternally piled in the sink, and dirty clothes (especially little girl socks) end up everywhere.

I think my biggest worry is that I don't do enough for my kids. I get frustrated easily with certain things. . .like how Lucy is constantly hanging onto my pant legs. But, she's still little, so I can handle most of that.

What worries me the most are certain behaviors that Laura does. We have yet to find successful discipline techniques to get her to stop bullying her sister. Unfortunately, this aggressive streak spills over to other kids. The bishop has specifically asked for one of us to be with Laura in nursery for the next several weeks because she hits and scratches the other kids. Yup, my kid is THAT kid that makes nursery a horror experience.

She pushes or kicks Lucy all the time, and it seems like no matter what we try to do to discipline her, she STILL does it. Every. day. A million times a day! Things like time out and taking away special books have had progressively little effect.

She gets into stuff ALL THE TIME. ..the computer, things in the bathroom, things in the kitchen or the fridge. She colors on things that aren't paper-her sister, the iPad, walls and furniture. And lately her favorite thing to do when she's frustrated is scream.

Potty training is getting worse before it gets better. For every time she goes on the potty, the next time is almost always an accident. This is its own ballpark because it's more of a physical skill, but seriously .. .I am so tired of cleaning up accidents. She can't seem to get past four stickers on her chart because I take one off every time she has an accident.

Oh, and the frosting on the cake? How about this. I got out of the shower and went to check on what she was doing (often it's something she shouldn't), and I didn't see her. No less than 30 seconds later, just when I'm wondering if maybe she left the apartment, I get a knock at the door. It's a couple of maintenance guys from the complex asking if I'm missing my little girl. Sure enough she had got out of the apartment, wandered over to the next building. . .in just a shirt and shoes. (Needless to say she had just had an accident and I didn't bother putting panties or pants back on her.) A nice neighbor mom had found her and put some pants and a coat on her, and another lady from the front office came by to convince Laura to come back. I had no idea she would even leave the apartment like that! Yeah, she can open doors, but she's never opened the front door on her own and just left! Argh!!

When did being a mom of a toddler become so hard? I know I need to start making some changes now. ..especially since we'll have another kid soon. We really like the idea of homeschooling our kiddos, but I have no idea how I can do that without going crazy. I mean .. .how can I even be a mom without going crazy? Sometimes I wonder what Heavenly Father was thinking when he let us be parents. Somehow I need some encouragement that I am doing at least something right with my kiddos. .. because today feels like an epic Mommy Fail.

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