Monday, February 22, 2016

Something Fun for Mommy!

Well, it was one of those mornings.
Laura got time out 4 times for the exact same thing. All before noon.
I admit, I got a little frustrated.

But, it's Monday, so she gets to (has to?) take a nap so that she's not super duper cranky at her dance class at 6pm. So, miraculously both girls were napping AT THE SAME TIME!

Aaaannnddd. . .I just got my sewing machine back from the fabric store, all fixed and good as new (well, as new as this trusty old model can be). So I got to start on my quilt today!! Hooray!! Lucy woke up halfway through, but I put her in her high chair with some food and she was content. Later Laura woke up, but she was in the Pack-N-Play, so she was content just rockin' away.

And me? I did something for me today and it felt AWESOME!
Here's a sneak peak of the pattern. Sorry it's a really really bad picture, but you get the idea.  I actually hate the scrappy look of the sample, so I'm doing a more straight forward color scheme. Won't it just be bee-u-tiful for my little baby boy?! =)

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